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Avocado Trees For Sale

We have numerous avocado trees for sale. The cultivars we stock are Fuerte, Hass, Pinkerton & Edranol.

We stock a selection of avocado trees proven for the South African climate. All varieties are grafted and are self-fruitful however planting an A-type and B-type are recommended for increased and consistent production.

Grow your very own superfood, right from home.

Avocado Trees for Sale

Grafted Avocado Trees for Sale

Avocados are a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. Plus, you can save money on expensive, store-bought avocado fruits with your own home grown avocado trees.

Our grafted avocado trees are fast-growing, reaching their mature height in no time. This means you can enjoy fresh Avocados as soon as the first year! Grafted from proven rootstock like all of our trees; they’re better equipped for long term success than seed-grown avocado trees.

Buy an Avocado Tree and make supermarket trips are a thing of the past. Have a look at what types of Avocado Trees we have for sale.

Avocado Tree Varieties / Cultivars:


Produces small to medium sized, rounded to oval shaped fruit. The skin is distinctive rough and bumpy and turns purple to black when fully ripe. The flesh has a creamy texture and has a very good, rich and flavourful nutty taste with high oil content – perfect for guacamole.


Ripens late May until October – depending on local weather conditions.


Type A Avocado. Self-pollinating, but Hass is an ‘A’ type avocado, which means it yields better if planted with a ‘B’ variety for good fruit set.

Commonly planted with a Fuerte Avocado Tree.

Oil Content

18-22% Oil 1


Produces medium to large, elongated, pear-shaped fruit with a distinctive slender, definite neck. The skin is thick, rough and dark green when fully ripe but peels easily. The flesh is smooth, sweet and creamy with high oil content.


Ripens from April till July – depending on local weather conditions.


Type A Avocado. Self-pollinating, but Pinkerton is an ‘A’ type avocado, which means it should be planted with a ‘B’ variety for good fruit set.

More dependent on a partner tree, so plant with Fuerte or Edranol.

Oil Content

High in Oil 1


Produces medium to large, elongated, pear-shaped fruit. The green skin is thin, waxy and smooth, which peels easily and remains green when fully ripe. The flesh is creamy, pale green in colour and has a rich creamy texture.


Ripens from March to August – depending on local weather conditions.


Type B Avocado. Self-pollinating, but Fuerte is a ‘B’ type avocado, which means it yields better if planted with an ‘A’ variety for good fruit set.

Commonly planted with a Hass Avocado Tree.

Oil Content

12-17% Oil 1


Produces an oval-pear shape with the skin colour of olive green, strong gloss, small light brown flecks and slightly rough (corky lenticels) with a very small seed. It stays green when ripe and the flesh has a rich, nutty taste – rated as excellent.


Ripens from June to September – depending on local weather conditions.


Type B Avocado. Edranol is a ‘B’ type avocado, which means it should to be planted with an ‘A’ variety for good fruit set.

More dependent on a partner tree, so plant with Hass or Pinkerton.

Oil Content

15-18% Oil1

How do Avocado Trees pollinate?

All avocado tree varieties are either A or B type, but the difference lies in the pollination. To encourage a successful harvest and to give your avocados optimal development, it is best if at least one of these trees are planted nearby as well.

The Type A avocado female flower part will open at the same time as a Type B male flower on the other tree; this more than doubles your chance for successful pollination and fruit-set!

Do I need to plant both types of Avocado Trees?

While ideal, it is not absolutely necessary to have one of each type. Most avocados varieties are considered “self-fruitful” and therefore do not need a partner tree for cross-pollination. Even without a friend, they should develop some avocado fruit. Hass is particularly good at providing a decent crop when grown solo. On the other hand, having that opposite Type A or Type B partner tree around basically guarantees a much larger and more successful crop. Certain varieties are especially dependent on a partner tree, such as Pinkertons. 

If you have the space, growing two different avocado trees in your garden is the best method. If not, there may be other avocado trees in your neighbourhood that can cross-pollinate with yours!

How close do avocado cross pollinator trees need to be?

Ideally, the two different types of Avocado Trees would be planted in the same garden.

But since Avocado Trees are predominantly pollinated by bees we can use the rule of thumb of the foraging area around a beehive which extends for two miles (3.2 km), so a few neighbourhood blocks. Essentially, if avocado trees are common in your area, you should be just fine with one. 

Why should I buy a Grafted Avocado Tree?

Avocado trees can certainly be grown from seed but unfortunately, these take up to 20 years before they produce fruit! The trees offered at From The Garden have been grafted at a young age which allows fruiting as early as the first or second year after planting.

Also, most grafted trees don’t grow as large as their “grown from seed” counterparts which means they won’t take up as much space as a huge fruit tree. Ideal for those with smaller gardens.

Avocado Trees For Sale